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Mr. Charles Dambui, CEO

The Coffee Industry Corporation Strategic Business Plan 2020-2024, reflects the converging views and consensus reached on Key Objectives from a subsistence level to a well-coordinated and sustainable sector, economically profitable for value chain participants, and to restore PNG on the world coffee market.

The CIC SBP is consistent with the GoPNG’s vision to “take back the economy with special focus on Agriculture as the mother of all industries”. The Plan’s innovative approach is anticipated to enhance productive relationships among stakeholders to develope efficient coffee supply chain linkages and as a result improve productivity and coffee quality. However, the success of the Plan begs for urgent structural and operational reforms in CIC and the value chain to experience a sustained transformation of the coffee industry to help GoPNG’s efforts to “Take Back PNG”.

A participatory approach involves consultants with value chain actors, including state agencies, research institutions, farmers, processors, service providers, experts, and development partners, and their views and expectations gauged; which are articulated in this Plan.

The CIC SBP captures a targeted range of perspectives, inclinations and aspirations of stakeholders and for each to play the required role, to actively contribute to assist in the industry’s recovery and to attempt to restore it to its former prominence. Consensus on Key Objectives set the strategic direction for remedial measures which shall be implemented to revive the industry to meet production targets.

It is a Plan that anticipates the unknown future and requires the collaborative efforts of all parties concerned to translate the projected orientations and recommendations into practical actions. It will mean harnessing and mobilizing efforts within the parameters of the integrated resource framework to attain visible outcomes over the 5-Year Plan cycle.

The success of this Strategy is intrinsically linked to CIC’s capacity to regulate and value chain actors’ adherence to this Plan which guarantees that priority is accorded to elements that have higher input or margin of success to bolster the industry. It is incumbent on management to optimize positive results with synchronized and efficient use of resources during implementation. The Strategy is not an end in itself; it will evolve to adjust to emergent circumstances with adequate capacity to collectively crystallize the results and ensure the industry’s resilience to adapt to the changes in the domestic, regional and global context.

One very difficult question yet to be resolved is; “why the productivity for coffee farmers is low and production levels continue to decline up to now?”. The CIC SBP will attempt to answer that question. The proposed interventions will help mitigate the adverse chronic legacies that constrict the industry in stagnancy and decline. 

Mr. Charles Dambui
Chief Executive Officer

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