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Services to the Industry sub-sector are provided by the Industry Associations Office. The Industry Association office exists between the Coffee Industry Corporation and four sector associations registered with IPA as the industry’s socio-political organisations to guard the industry against any negative effects by the government or any other organisation.

The four sub-sector stakeholder associations are:

  • PNG Smallholder Coffee Growers Association (PNG SHCGA)
  • PNG Blockholder Coffee Growers Association (PNG BHCGA)
  • PNG Coffee Plantation and Processors Associations (PNG CPPA) and
  • PNG Coffee Exporters Council

Functions of Industry Associations Coordinator

The Industry Associations office is responsible for:

conducting meetings and elections every three years for office bearers
establishing dialogue with partners and banking institutions
ascertaining transparency in electoral procedures and public awareness.
advising associations appointed representative (directors to the CIC Board) on association issues
prepare reports and make submissions to the CIC on behalf of the industry
liaise with other sections within CIC and carry out promotions for membership growth
partnering with outside organisations and government institutions to enhance CIC policy objectives.

The respective sub-sector association operations can be defined as:

  • PNG SHCGA – is made up of individual coffee growers who have a minimum of 700 coffee trees from a village-based association. These farmers then nominate their association executives including a chairman who becomes a constituency rep to the district.
  • PNG BHCGA – this association is made up of blockholders who operate in the similar way as SHCGA but nominate one director to the CIC Board as to meet CIC constitution requirements.
  • Similarly the CPPA and Exporters Council consists of plantations, processors and exporters who have their office executives nominated by election process and concurrently nominate directors in their separate meetings and elections to the CIC Board.
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