About Us
KMSL is a business subsidiary company to Coffee Industry Corporation Limited (CICL). It was incorporated with Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) in 2014 under the Company Act, 1997. However, commenced business operation in 2017. Current business ventures are; Commercial Property management and Coffee Exports. Head Office in Goroka with two operating sites; Panga, Jiwaka Province and Aiyura, Kainantu area in Eastern Highlands Province. Four staff at HQ, two in Panga and two in Aiyura.
To transform income generating activities in CICL into business mode for better economic returns.
To become profitable entity in the organization (CICL) adhering to good business practices with prudent financial management.
Business Venture
There are eight properties generating 1.2 million kina annually into the business. Four in Goroka, EHP and other four in Lae, Morobe province.
Coffee export commenced in 2019. Coffee sourced from CICL research developed blocks with the following varieties; Typica, Bourbon, Mundunuvo, Arusha, Catimor and Catura. Exporting destination were; Australia, Japan, Korea, China and Indonesia. Continuous promotion and marketing has been done through coffee shows internationally. The main concept is to become a conduit to facilitate farmers coffee to such established international market both conventional and niche. The farmer can then appreciate the market opportunity and the value it possess along the value chain.
Current Management & Structure
Contact Us
Ms Maria Jana
Email: elo.kmsl@cic.org.pg
Mr. Michael Waim (General Manager)
Email: gm.kmsl@cic.org.pg