Quality is a priority with exports of coffee. Quality control practices are enforced by the CIC to. The Quality and Export Control Units facilitate quality assessments and certifications and export documentation for smooth transition of coffee for shipment to overseas buyers. Registrations of contracts agreed between exporter and importer are also registered for regulating requirements. Preparation of export documentation is done in partnership with relevant government agencies in making sure export policies and regulations are in compliance with industry standard policies and guidelines prior to shipment.
Once the documentation process satisfies all requirements and is in order taking into account quality and price then it is released for shipment. Coffee tax or levy collection account management is part of the process of this documentation.
The Quality and Export office also conducts final satisfaction process for export coffee. The country has developed a well organized regulatory system. Coffee quality is controlled from the cherry stage once harvested and processed through licensed dealers such as coffee processors, exporters and manufacturers right down to the point of shipping to overseas destinations.
Final certification process is conducted at the point of export where samples are taken from each export consignment and critically assessed to ensure it complies with quality specifications for export. It is assessed on physical aspects like defects, bean size and other aspects like odors and liquoring characteristics. Coffee packed for export must comply with registered specifications. When all the process is satisfied a quality certifying certificate is issued and attached on the export documentation for release.