Home \ SERVICES \ GROWER SERVICES \ Coffee Credit Guarantee Scheme

The Coffee Credit Guarantee Scheme (CCGS) was established to assist the underprivileged smallholder coffee growers to have access to credit deemed necessary to acquire appropriate and much needed inputs to improve quality and increase production which would enable them to earn cash income in order to improve their living standards and meet the governments economic and social policy goals.

This scheme was initiated by the CIC and adopted by the Government due to its wider concept, because it has been realized that for a very long time smallholder farmers would continue to find it difficult to borrow from commercial banks because of the lack of collateral, conventional security and equity requirements by banks.

The scheme involved farmers’ applying for loans directly to the CIC and once reviewed and screened, loans with reasonable interest rates are then given to the farmer after an initial agreement is finalized. After coffee marketing the farmer then repays the loan with the interest and keeps the rest of the earnings for their own use.

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